Physiotherapy Machines For Treating Back Pain In India

Physiotherapy Machines For Treating Back Pain In India

Reviewed By

Dr. Kshama Dhawan (MSc (Sports Therapy))

Back pain can be excruciatingly painful. Today's modern lifestyle is the primary cause of back pain in the majority of the population. Back pains can range in severity, from mild to chronic.

The sharp pain in the lower back might interfere with daily tasks. Given that we are often unable to make significant changes in our lifestyles, we may still want to learn about the cause and seek help from equipment that can provide relief from the pain without requiring any medicine.

Lower back pain can be caused due to a variety of reasons, ranging from strained muscles to tensed nerves. Lower back pain can result from an acute injury, such as lifting and twisting a large load. Aging also causes degenerative spinal abnormalities, which can begin as early as the 30s or even earlier.

Machines will only provide temporary pain relief and can have several side effects in the long term. You will have to consult with a physiotherapist to identify the root cause of your pain and then adhere to a treatment program to achieve total pain relief.

The signs and symptoms of lower back pain differ widely from one individual to the next. Back pain has a variety of causes and regions of occurrence, which is why the pain differs from person to person. Your discomfort might be mild or severe. 

The pain might come and go at any time, depending upon its severity. Standing, sitting, bending, or walking may aggravate discomfort, depending on the source. The pain may spread to your buttocks or leg. Feelings of numbness, tingling, or weakening down your leg may follow the shooting pain.

Causes of back pain:

  • A rigorous sports activity or an active day lifting/pulling/pushing heavy objects might cause straining of muscles and ligaments.

  • Your spine is made of little cushions called discs. They can hurt and may feel stiff causing back pain.

  • Wear and tear, shrinkage, and failure of discs are regular occurrences as people grow older.

  • As people get older, their bone starts thinning and weakening in their back which sometimes causes one vertebra to move forward or too close to another vertebra. It is known as degenerative spondylolisthesis.

  • Spinal Stenosis is a narrowing of the area around the spinal cord that causes nerve roots to be compressed.

  • Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves abnormally and causes discomfort in certain persons.

To reduce pain in your back, you can install physiotherapy machines in your home. However, these machines will only provide temporary pain relief and can have several side effects in the long term. You will have to consult with a physiotherapist to identify the root cause of your pain and then adhere to a treatment program to achieve pain relief.

List Of Equipment That Can Treat Back Pain:

1. Transcutaneous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation (TENS) is a technique for treating chronic lower back pain. Its usage does not relieve or cure pain. Generally, people suffering from chronic pain are prescribed medications to treat pain. However, these medicines have proven side effects. But, with the help of this device, you can successfully eliminate back pain without needing any medicine. 


  • It may help increase muscle strength by means of neural stimulation which is important for body growth

  • It tends to increase the synthesis of protein in the body and ramps up the recovery of tissues.

  • Improves blood circulation to sore or inflamed muscles. 

Harmful Effects:

  • There have been multiple cases where patients suffer from burns at the place where electrodes are placed.

  • The adhesive used to stick the pad to the skin can also cause allergic reactions in some patients.

2. Waist Pain Massage- Electric Air Pressure

Legs, arms, feet, hands, and other body parts may all be massaged with the Electric Air Waist Pain Massager. This physiotherapy equipment uses air pressure to provide a soothing massage right in your own home. The cuffs are totally moveable, allowing for a comfortable and relaxed fit around various body regions.


  • The function of inflating and deflating the cuffs improves blood circulation.

  • It also relieves pain associated with varicose veins, leg oedema, swelling, and cramping. The massager runs for 15 minutes and then shuts off on its own. You can quickly restart it if necessary.

Harmful Effects:

  • Any defect in the machine can cause the patient to suffer from an electric shock.

  • Some types of pain (not caused by muscle stiffness) can actually worsen with the usage of this machine.

3. Infrared Machine For Back Pain

Patients with acute or chronic back pain are being treated with infrared light, which is one of the several innovative methods being tested. Certain wavelengths of light are transmitted to injured areas of the body as part of the therapy. Infrared light penetrates the skin's deeper layers at a depth of 2 to 7 cm. As a result, it penetrates muscles, nerves, and even bones. Several researchers have suggested that infrared light with wavelengths between 700 and 1,000 nanometers is the most effective for treating inflammatory disorders.


  • Infrared therapy is an effective and reliable technique to treat a variety of conditions while relieving pain.

  • It offers a variety of benefits, including pain alleviation, inflammation reduction, and the restoration of the damaged body part's function.

Harmful Effects:

  • There have been multiple cases where patients suffer from burns after prolonged usage

4. Electric Treatment Table

The advantages of having and utilising an electric massage table are numerous. This sort of massage table is more stable, easier to use and modify, and more comfortable for both the massage therapist and the client. Another advantage of electric massage tables is their extensive availability, as well as the variety of styles, models, and colours available. The metal electric versions are supported by a single strong pedestal in the centre of the bed, which keeps it sturdy.


  • Electric Treatment Table can be a great tool to find relief from back pain.

Harmful Effects:

  • Any defect in the machine can cause the patient to suffer from an electric shock.

  • Some types of pain (not caused by muscle stiffness) can actually worsen with the usage of this machine.

5. Ultrasonic Ultrasound Therapy Machine

Ultrasonic waves are a type of sound energy or mechanical energy produced by high-frequency mechanical vibrations. The frequencies employed in therapeutic medical reasons are often about 1MHz or 3 Mhz, which are outside the human hearing range: 1 MHz is equal to 1 million cycles per second.

TENS and Ultrasonic machines are crucial as they offer a larger choice of remedies for various body soreness issues. It includes an ultrasonic device for heat therapy as well as a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation treatment. 

An ultrasonic Ultrasound Therapy machine sends ultrasound rays deep inside the body. This creates heat inside the body which helps to increase blood circulation. This results in the relaxation of muscles and tensed tissues. Therefore, the patient gets relief from pains and muscular cramps.


  • The physiotherapy sessions go much more smoothly when the discomfort is blocked.

  • This immediately helps to control pain during physiotherapy.

  • It is incredibly simple to operate.

  •  It has a small body and an LED display.

  • It's small, lightweight, and simple to set up, making it ideal for usage at home.

  • Electrotherapy and thermal therapy can be performed on this physiotherapy gadget.

Harmful Effects:

  • There could be side effects if the therapy is not done by a qualified professional in the correct manner.


All these machines mentioned above will help you in reducing the symptoms to give temporary pain relief (like painkillers), but won’t treat your root cause. Prolonged usage of these machines can also lead to various different side effects mentioned in the post.

For this exact reason usage of these machines is banned in a lot of countries and we ourselves do not promote usage of these machines with our patients. The focus of the treatment should always be to identify the root cause of the pain and solve it using physiotherapy exercises rather than just reduce the pain with these kinds of temporary measures.

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Physiotherapy Machines For Treating Back Pain In India

To reduce pain in your back, you can install physiotherapy machines in your home. However, these machines will only provide temporary pain relief and can have several side effects in the long term. You will have to consult with a physiotherapist to identify the root cause of your pain and then adhere to a treatment program to achieve total pain relief.

Dr. Kshama Dhawan

5 min read